Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Cibola National Wildlife Refuge and Other Pictures

I have been in Arizona for a month and the weather is what I was looking for.  Warm weather with low humidity.  The day time highs have been running between 75-82 degrees and low 50’s at night.  Lots of sunshine we had rain the week of the Super Bowl none since and there is no rain expected in the next 10 days.  Lots of good riding and hiking weather with plenty of new and interesting places to visit.

I took a day trip to Phoenix the day before the Super bowl and have included a few pictures.  There is a Wal-Mart close to the stadium and there were so many RV’s in their parking lot it looked like an RV ParkJ

The bulk of the pictures on this post is from the Cibola National Wildlife Refuge.  It is located on the Colorado River.  I missed the best birding time by a couple of weeks but it still had a lot to offer in both birds and other wildlife.

Sunset are always beautiful here but when we have clouds in the evening it can be spectacular.  I have included some of the sunset shots I have taken.

The pictures I have posted are reduced for the blog if you would like any of them in there full size just let me know which your are interested in.