US-2 looking East from Two Bit Outfit RV Park
Venture Inn with some of the Chainsaw Carving
NAPA with a little local History
6th Street headed into town
California Ave, Hwy 37
Mineral Ave. Or The Gut as known by the locals
Mineral Ave
Libby Creek
A view from the Multi-use Trail
Multi-use Trail crossing the Kootenai River on the Haul Bridge
Kootenai River looking at the Hwy 37 bridge in Libby
Kootenai River looking at the Hwy 37 bridge in Libby
Kootenai River looking East
Trussel over Libby Creek at the point it flows into the Kootenai River
Train rail headed into Libby
One of our local residents...
6th street looking west
Mineral Ave